Latest Episodes
Talking Hops in Canyon Canyon County with Michelle Gooding from Gooding Farms
We continue our Agriculture theme and chat with, Michelle Gooding, one of the 3 Gooding sisters, and the 4th generation of hop growers in...
Picking Fruit and Veggies at Cherry Hill Farms with Marina Rowley
Learning by experience seems to be the fastest way to make understanding stick. The Rowleys, owners of Cherry Hill Farms, provide great opportunities by...
Wine in Canyon County with Gregg Alger, owner of Huston Vineyards
John and I had the pleasure of having Gregg Alger one of the OG viteculterists here in Canyon County. We love his passion for...
Legos Bring Joy all over the Treasure Valley with Cindy Gassen, Founder of Brody's Bricks.
Who knew legos could bring so much joy to hurting kids all over the Treasure Valley! We had such a great interview with Cindy,...
The Ness Family Christmas Edition with Hanna's Family
I thought I would share with you, our listeners, a little more insight into my big family and what it is like growing up...
How to find Happiness when Holidays are Hard with Marriage and Family Counselor, Ken Curtis
John and I know the Holidays can be hard for many, especially when you are experiencing the loss of loved ones. How do we...