How to find Happiness when Holidays are Hard with Marriage and Family Counselor, Ken Curtis

Episode 12 December 15, 2021 00:35:45
How to find Happiness when Holidays are Hard with Marriage and Family Counselor, Ken Curtis
I Heart 2C
How to find Happiness when Holidays are Hard with Marriage and Family Counselor, Ken Curtis

Dec 15 2021 | 00:35:45


Show Notes

John and I know the Holidays can be hard for many, especially when you are experiencing the loss of loved ones.   How do we celebrate this season without them in our lives?  How do we honor them and still celebrate with others?  John lost his father over 3 years ago and we have asked these same questions.
Ken Curtis has been an integral part in our lives through the last 10 years.  His wisdom, counseling and perspective have helped John and me work through some of the most difficult mountains in our marriage.  We wanted to share him with all of you, especially if this is a difficult season of your life and hope this can help bring some perspective and some hope to your situation.
Here is a little more about Ken Curtis:
Born in 1947, In 1995 Ken retired from his first career as a paralegal in the United States Air Force at Mountain Home Air Force Base.  One of the last criminal justice cases he worked on inspired him to choose counseling as a second career.  A fellow who attended his church lost his temper with a two-year old son and hit him so hard it killed him.  The mother of this fellow testified in court and showed pictures of his son's injuries when his father lost his temper and threw his so hard his head went through a wall.  
After graduating from Boise State University as a Social Worker, Ken started his counseling career at Idaho's maximum-security prison in 2000.  He likes to say for 23 years he helped put men in prison and then for 10 years he helped them get out of prison.  The heartbreaking family stories told by many inmates inspired Ken to earn a Master's Degree in Marriage and Family Counseling in 2011 from Northwest Nazarene University.  He believes that helping families be more functional is the best way to prevent men from going to prison. He is now mostly retired doing some consulting speaking such as an occasional pod cast.
He celebrated 50 years of marriage this year.  He has 5 children, 17 grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.  
Ken Curtis, Great Grandpa, Grandpa, Daddy, Husband, Consultant/Counselor, Friend
Almost Nearly but Not Quite Completely Retired & Then with His Sweetheart Wife Bought a Family Enterprise.
Because Ken is retired and not taking any new clients, he recommends finding a professional counselor that you feel comfortable with to help you improve your mental health. You can email us at [email protected] for more recommendations and referrals.
Ken, however does speaking engagements, podcast interviews and consulting and he can be reached at [email protected]

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